Golf and Lower Back Pain

From Dr. Greg Rose On April 30, 2021
If you've played golf for any length of time, it's likely that you've been sidelined by lower back pain. The lumbar region of the spine is particularly vulnerable in rotational sports like golf, but you can avoid those visits to the chiropractor with proper swing mechanics. In this video, Titleist staff member and TPI co-founder Dr. Greg Rose explains that it's the thoracic spine and the hips that should be mobile in the golf swing. In contrast, the lower back should remain stable.
... />But guess what happens when you don't turn your shoulders and hips sufficiently? That's right, you try to recruit more turn from elsewhere. Unfortunately this is frequently the vertebrae in your lower back, a part of the body that isn't design to rotate. It doesn't take much over-rotation before you over-tax the supporting muscles around the lumbar spine and they go into spasm (and you "throw your back out"). The results are painful and debilitating, but Greg has some simple tips to reverse the harmful cycle. Following Dr. Rose's prescription will protect and maintain stability in your lumbar spine and keep you golfing pain-free.
If you've played golf for any length of time, it's likely that you've been sidelined by lower back pain. The lumbar region of the spine is particularly vulnerable in rotational sports like ... golf, but you can avoid those visits to the chiropractor with proper swing mechanics. In this video, Titleist staff member and TPI co-founder Dr. Greg Rose explains that it's the thoracic spine and the hips that should be mobile in the golf swing. In contrast, the lower back should remain stable.

But guess what happens when you don't turn your shoulders and hips sufficiently? That's right, you try to recruit more turn from elsewhere. Unfortunately this is frequently the vertebrae in your lower back, a part of the body that isn't design to rotate. It doesn't take much over-rotation before you over-tax the supporting muscles around the lumbar spine and they go into spasm (and you "throw your back out"). The results are painful and debilitating, but Greg has some simple tips to reverse the harmful cycle. Following Dr. Rose's prescription will protect and maintain stability in your lumbar spine and keep you golfing pain-free.
342 Videos
  1. Instructor
  2. Brad Faxon
  3. Dr. Mo Pickens
  4. Me and My Golf
  5. Peter Finch
  6. Cameron McCormick
  7. James Sieckmann
  8. Mark Blackburn
  9. Michael Breed
  10. Trillium Rose
  11. Jonathan Yarwood
  12. Dave Phillips
  13. Brandon Stooksbury
  14. Justin Parsons
  15. Joe Plecker
  16. Layne Savoie
  17. Dr. Rob Neal
  18. Dr. Greg Rose
  19. Skip Guss
  20. Jason Baile
  21. John Kostis
  22. Jennifer Hudson
  23. Ryan Hager
  24. Corey Lundberg
  25. Tom Patri
  1. Club
  2. Driver
  3. Fairway
  4. Hybrid
  5. Utility Iron
  6. Iron
  7. Wedge
  8. Putter
  1. Drill
  2. Speed and Power
  3. Fundamentals
  4. Swing Biomechanics
  5. Clubface Control
  6. Turf Interaction
  7. Consistency
  8. Trajectory
  9. Shot Shaping
  10. Bunker Play

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