How to Spin Your Bunker Shots

From Jonathan Yarwood On April 04, 2023
When your golf ball finds a greenside bunker, do you feel a sense of dread? Or do you see it as a scoring opportunity? If sand traps bring you to the brink of panic, Titleist staff member Jonathan Yarwood has a cure.

As Jonathan demonstrates in this video, there are a few simple adjustments to your setup and your mental approach that will allow you to put sizzling spin on your bunker shots – the key to control and leaving yourself tap-ins. Devote some practice time to your bunker
... game and focus on these keys from Jonathan:

• Open the clubface of your wedge and aim the face at 12 o'clock (at your target).
• Align your feet, knees, hips and shoulders slightly open (11 o'clock, for a right-handed golfer).
• Position the golf ball forward in your stance (closer to your lead foot).
• Hover the club about an inch behind the ball and get your hands down (lower the handle) and back (tilt the shaft away from the target slightly).
• Widen your stance and squat down slightly to lower your body's center of gravity.
• Allow your body to turn and make a FULL backswing. To spin the ball you need FRICTION and SPEED!
• On the downswing, shallow the club and swing with CONVICTION. You can't be timid in the bunker.
• PRO SECRET: As you deliver the club, allow the handle to slow down and accelerate the clubhead past your hands as you strike the sand. This release should feel like your trail hand is scooping through impact. As the club exits the sand, the club face should continue to face the sky.
When your golf ball finds a greenside bunker, do you feel a sense of dread? Or do you see it as a scoring opportunity? If sand traps bring you to the brink of panic, Titleist staff member ... Jonathan Yarwood has a cure.

As Jonathan demonstrates in this video, there are a few simple adjustments to your setup and your mental approach that will allow you to put sizzling spin on your bunker shots – the key to control and leaving yourself tap-ins. Devote some practice time to your bunker game and focus on these keys from Jonathan:

• Open the clubface of your wedge and aim the face at 12 o'clock (at your target).
• Align your feet, knees, hips and shoulders slightly open (11 o'clock, for a right-handed golfer).
• Position the golf ball forward in your stance (closer to your lead foot).
• Hover the club about an inch behind the ball and get your hands down (lower the handle) and back (tilt the shaft away from the target slightly).
• Widen your stance and squat down slightly to lower your body's center of gravity.
• Allow your body to turn and make a FULL backswing. To spin the ball you need FRICTION and SPEED!
• On the downswing, shallow the club and swing with CONVICTION. You can't be timid in the bunker.
• PRO SECRET: As you deliver the club, allow the handle to slow down and accelerate the clubhead past your hands as you strike the sand. This release should feel like your trail hand is scooping through impact. As the club exits the sand, the club face should continue to face the sky.
342 Videos
  1. Instructor
  2. Brad Faxon
  3. Dr. Mo Pickens
  4. Me and My Golf
  5. Peter Finch
  6. Cameron McCormick
  7. James Sieckmann
  8. Mark Blackburn
  9. Michael Breed
  10. Trillium Rose
  11. Jonathan Yarwood
  12. Dave Phillips
  13. Brandon Stooksbury
  14. Justin Parsons
  15. Joe Plecker
  16. Layne Savoie
  17. Dr. Rob Neal
  18. Dr. Greg Rose
  19. Skip Guss
  20. Jason Baile
  21. John Kostis
  22. Jennifer Hudson
  23. Ryan Hager
  24. Corey Lundberg
  25. Tom Patri
  1. Club
  2. Driver
  3. Fairway
  4. Hybrid
  5. Utility Iron
  6. Iron
  7. Wedge
  8. Putter
  1. Drill
  2. Speed and Power
  3. Fundamentals
  4. Swing Biomechanics
  5. Clubface Control
  6. Turf Interaction
  7. Consistency
  8. Trajectory
  9. Shot Shaping
  10. Bunker Play

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