Launch Conditions

Launch Conditions are the variables that determine the initial trajectory of a golf ball and include Ball Speed, Launch Angle, Launch Direction and Spin Rate. Modern radar-based and camera-based launch monitors capture launch data immediately after club/ball impact, and within the first few feet of the ball's travel downrange.

The greatest influence on launch conditions is the player. No two players deliver the club in precisely the same way. For this reason, a player’s launch conditions can be thought of as their “fingerprint.”  The next most important influence is the club.  Of the three influences on launch conditions, the golf ball plays the smallest role.

Environmental conditions like wind, humidity, temperature, and altitude do not affect launch conditions but they will influence downrange flight.

For any player's ball speed, with the proper equipment fitting including ball, club shaft, and club head, there’s a combination of launch angle and spin rate that will optimize that player's distance.

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Ball Speed Launch Angle Launch Conditions Trajectory Launch Direction
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